The Advertising Tools I Use for my System


Here are some of the tools I use to get massive exposure to my opportunities and the best of all - My Advertising is Paying me!

1. 3 Sites Traffic << CLICK HERE

2. Traffic Exchange Guideline << CLICK HERE

To help you make your internet marketing life a bit easier I have decided to share a few of the tools I use to market my products.

You may or may not agree with me but the most important thing is too build a might have heard it before. The money is in the list. The sooner you start the better....

What does this actually mean?  All it means is that you will build up a relationship with a group of people over a period of time...weeks...months...years and whenever you come accross a new opportunity you will want to share it with your group of people. How do you share it with them.

Do you have a way to instantly contact your group of people? There are several ways to do this.
Facebook Leadbuilding Group
1.) You can create a group on Facebook and get people to Join your Group. You need to put some interesting content on this page on a regular basis to keep your group interested. Whenever you get that opportunity you can create a post on your fanpage and your "fans" will be able to read it.

eMail Marketing - building a list
2.) The second thing I do is to make use of an autoresponder. What is this. This is a tool which you set up with pre-written email messages and whenever somebody signs up to your campaign on your autoresponder (in other words...they put the name and email address into that little form on a page you see on the internet) they start getting your pre-written messages. This can happen at any time of the day or might be working or sleeping...your autoresponder works 24/7. This is so important because you have a possible client that is looking for a way to make money and they feel so important when you (your autoresponder) immediately sends them an email with the information you have prepared for them..whatever the time of day or night. What is more important is that you have a person that is looking for a way to make money and they are on your list. so, whenever you have an urgent message you can send it out to your whole list (maybe 5 000 or 10 000 of them) and from that you will surely get some positive reaction...depending on how professional your message is.  

If you are ready to start building your list I have a challenge for you...

Even if you have never built an email marketing list in your life, we will show you how to get started in less than 30 minutes! Scroll down and fill in your name and email address. Follow my steps to start building your own targeted email marketing list absolutely free in 30 minutes or less!
Our system is designed to help the absolute beginner be up and running within 30 minutes or less. We will walk you through the steps and the leads are yours to keep!
Let us prove to you how powerful this system is. You wont spend a single penny to get started with us.    

3. FB Advertising: Now you need leads.

Now, again you have to work smart here. Do not advertise your main money making opportunity but rather set up a page to get prospects to sign up to a campaign in your TW autoresponder (remember...building your list) ....Once they have signed up to your campaign you have a chance of sending them information by email over a period of time and maybe after a month or maybe a year they will come round and sign up to your opportunity. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me.  The nice thing is that you can set up your autoresponder and whenever somebody sign in to your responder for more information, anytime and anywhere in the world, it will automatically start sending out your letters. 

You will also notice that again I am making money but have not yet promoted my main program.

4. LeadsLeap - Ad Tracking - Advertising - Making money - several tools to use (free or paid)...the best is to sign up here and see for yourself all the benefits that you can get.

LeadsLeap 2.0 is a revenue-sharingadvertising and lead generation system, with a focus on training and value creation.

5. Blog - you get free traffic and leads from google - people searching for opportunities on the internet. You are reading this information on my blog at the moment and the chances are good that you have come here by either searching on the internet for a way to work from home or make extra money or you responded to an ad I placed somewhere. You are reading this information on my BLOG.

To see what Products I use to earn money CLICK HERE

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