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Showing posts with label Bemarking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bemarking. Show all posts
Monday, October 6, 2014
Why do I have to Pay money to make money with MLM
It's funny isn't it.
When you get an offer where somebody offers you a million bucks by doing nothing or something like, just share this photograph or post on FB and you will receive a brand new BMW....most people will say the following..if it's sounds too good to be true...it probably is "too good to be true".
Ironically, a lot of people saying that, will secretly still share that link or photograph in the hope
of getting that car or a million bucks.
We have all seen those posts stating that some super rich millionaire has decided to share his millions of $$$'s with everybody on FB...?
Do you really believe it....have you shared something like that in the past. People do this for the same
reason they buy a lottery ticket...in the hope of becoming an instant millionaire.
Let me share a secret with you quickly...this is how people get's hold of people's Fb profiles and email addresses...and they start sending them spam...unwanted ads and messages...Think twice before you share those opportunities again.
Now, on the other hand, somebody makes a post and places an ad in one of the groups on FB offering people an opportunity to "work from home". This requires that you sometimes need to pay a registration fee as well as a monthly fee.
Wow...red lights...everybody in that group shouts at the poor guy trying to rob people of their hard earned money by scamming them with registration costs as well as a monthly fee.
My question is, what do people want...everybody wants to earn extra money but nobody is prepared to do anything for it or put in any work to earn it.
This ad is probably about a network marketing product of commonly known as mlm (multi-level marketing).
I will agree with you, there are scammers out there as well as gimmicks but if you really do your own research you will probably find that is not a scam.
How do you know which ones are scams and which ones are legitimate (legal)
First of all, there must be a PRODUCT. Any business needs a PRODUCT to sell to make money. The owners of the business/product use network marketing to distribute and market the product because people love to talk and share their views and experiences with other people.
This is something that most people do without realising it..."networking". When you have eaten out at a nice new steakhouse you will tell your friends about it (first level) and they will tell their friends about it (second level) and they will tell their friends about it (third level) and so it carries on. This is probably one of the best forms of advertising.
The steakhouse is getting the best possible form of advertising without paying for it and you are definitely not paid for it, are you? That is all network marketing is...telling other people about your experiences...and getting paid for it.
Now, network marketing was developed many years ago by a company who realised that they could increase their sales by getting their sales reps to appoint their own sales reps underneath them and sharing their commission amongst them. By doing this they could cover a bigger area and reach many more customers which resulted in bigger sales and profits.
This system was developed as early as in the 1920's, 1930 and 1940's with various companies and products. This has been going for so many years and still people think it's a scam?
I agree that some of them may be illegal or scams.
What to look out for...
1. When somebody offers you an abnormally high income with only a once-off payment required. Just ask yourself one question...where does the money come from to pay current members. The answer is.....yes, you guessed it...they need new people to register on a continuous basis to pay the existing members. Sooner or later the once-off deposit required to join will be increased slightly because the organisation does not have enough to pay the current members anymore.
With mlm you have to pay for the use of the service or product on a monthly basis and that money is used to pay the company who provides the service or product and also the sales people who get a monthly commission. If you work and grow your organisation, your income grows...not by getting new people to pay more money to pay current members.
This is one of the differences between a legal mlm system and a scam.
If you are interested in learning more and becoming involved in a legal multi-level marketing product where you can start working part-time from home at a very low cost to:
1. Make yourself an extra income on a monthly basis to cover your monthly expenses
2. Build up a residual income which will possibly help you to retire earlier than originally planned
3. Make sure you have an income to rely on for the day you retire
click here and add me as friend on FB.
We help people to help themselves...what is holding you back.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Free Traffic to your blog
We all want traffic, right? Whatever the reason you want visitors or traffic...without traffic there is no reason to have a website or blog, correct. It is there for other people to see. The more the better.
I think the time has come to formally introduce you to the VIRAL SPIRAL.
Some of us spend a lot of time on the net posting and making new friends but if you can get a system which wil spread your blog all over the net all by itself for FREE, would you do it? You can then sit back and do the things you want to do. Make new friends and spend time to chat with those that you want to.
This wil not cost you a dime. There are three websites to join where you fill in your details and then you tell all your friends about it so that they can do the same. I have put the 2nd website address to follow the first one and so on. Once you have a complete downline you change the address on all three websites to your blog address so that the visitors will be visiting your blog instead of the 2nd viral website you are advertising. By doing this you will receive thousands of visitors to your blog each and every day.
Do you have anything to lose....Noooooo.
Can you get something out of it? I think so! Thousands of visitors for FREE. It could be worth a try.
Let's do it then. Just click>> here <<for your first link.
I think the time has come to formally introduce you to the VIRAL SPIRAL.
Some of us spend a lot of time on the net posting and making new friends but if you can get a system which wil spread your blog all over the net all by itself for FREE, would you do it? You can then sit back and do the things you want to do. Make new friends and spend time to chat with those that you want to.
This wil not cost you a dime. There are three websites to join where you fill in your details and then you tell all your friends about it so that they can do the same. I have put the 2nd website address to follow the first one and so on. Once you have a complete downline you change the address on all three websites to your blog address so that the visitors will be visiting your blog instead of the 2nd viral website you are advertising. By doing this you will receive thousands of visitors to your blog each and every day.
Do you have anything to lose....Noooooo.
Can you get something out of it? I think so! Thousands of visitors for FREE. It could be worth a try.
Let's do it then. Just click>> here <<for your first link.
Becoming Financially Independent or Successful
Self image causes limitations on performance
Everybody has a self image. This means in short – What do you think about yourself? If you do not like yourself, how can you expect anybody else to like you? Your self image is hidden in your subconscious mind and it houses your good and your bad characteristics, how you act in certain situations and towards other people (we see quite a lot of people on the internet who do not think very much about themselves if you look at the comments in some forums).
You are born with a clear self image and from the first day of your life certain images gets imprinted into your mind on how you must act in certain situations. This creates a pattern which causes you to act in a certain way without thinking and if you allow a lot of negative situations to get imprinted into your mind you will start to act negative. That is part of the reason why it is said some people are accident prone or attract negative things towards them.
Your self image is therefore how you see yourself and is not necessarily the truth. It can therefore be changed. You act according to the image you have of yourself in your mind. If you change the self image of an individual you change his complete personality and actions because his personality is dependant on his self image.
If you are taking part in a sport and you think you have reached your limit in high jump or you think you cannot run faster no records will be broken. Luckily there are athletes with good self images who believe in themselves and always try to improve on their previous best and records are broken every year. I f they can, you can also do it.
This information brochure consisting of 10 parts is written to help you establish what it is that is keeping you from being successful. Identifying your fears, how to stick to a budget and how to live instead of just to exist.
How you can be happy and independent, pay of your debt, credit card, bond and live your dreams. You can work through this course and then stop dreaming and start living.
It does not matter if you are broke of just work a job (just over broke) you can be self sufficient and earn more money by being self-employed. In order to do this you must first of all be confident about yourself and have a good self-image.
If you want to work at home, become more wealthy or want to be financially independent and save some money you must take action and really change your life by going here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gerhard_Strydom
Everybody has a self image. This means in short – What do you think about yourself? If you do not like yourself, how can you expect anybody else to like you? Your self image is hidden in your subconscious mind and it houses your good and your bad characteristics, how you act in certain situations and towards other people (we see quite a lot of people on the internet who do not think very much about themselves if you look at the comments in some forums).
You are born with a clear self image and from the first day of your life certain images gets imprinted into your mind on how you must act in certain situations. This creates a pattern which causes you to act in a certain way without thinking and if you allow a lot of negative situations to get imprinted into your mind you will start to act negative. That is part of the reason why it is said some people are accident prone or attract negative things towards them.
Your self image is therefore how you see yourself and is not necessarily the truth. It can therefore be changed. You act according to the image you have of yourself in your mind. If you change the self image of an individual you change his complete personality and actions because his personality is dependant on his self image.
If you are taking part in a sport and you think you have reached your limit in high jump or you think you cannot run faster no records will be broken. Luckily there are athletes with good self images who believe in themselves and always try to improve on their previous best and records are broken every year. I f they can, you can also do it.
This information brochure consisting of 10 parts is written to help you establish what it is that is keeping you from being successful. Identifying your fears, how to stick to a budget and how to live instead of just to exist.
How you can be happy and independent, pay of your debt, credit card, bond and live your dreams. You can work through this course and then stop dreaming and start living.
It does not matter if you are broke of just work a job (just over broke) you can be self sufficient and earn more money by being self-employed. In order to do this you must first of all be confident about yourself and have a good self-image.
If you want to work at home, become more wealthy or want to be financially independent and save some money you must take action and really change your life by going here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gerhard_Strydom
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Proven ways to make money on the internet
Do you know that there are a few proven ways to gaurantee that you will make money on the internet but there is also one sure method which will gaurantee that you will lose money on the internet.
Have you fallen into the the trap?
Do you want to find out what it is to make sure that you don't fall into the trap that has trapped millions of people before you and is still doing so today.
The question is, do yo want to make money or lose money?
To find out, click here
Have you fallen into the the trap?
Do you want to find out what it is to make sure that you don't fall into the trap that has trapped millions of people before you and is still doing so today.
The question is, do yo want to make money or lose money?
To find out, click here
4 Essential Tools to Create Website Traffic
1. Referral and reward system
2. Tell a friend script
3. Viral Tools
4. SEO Content
Too read the full article, click here
2. Tell a friend script
3. Viral Tools
4. SEO Content
Too read the full article, click here
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
How much cash do you need to make your budget work
How much extra cash do you need per month: R1 000.00; R5 000.00; R10 000.00 or R20 000.00 to make your budget work?
What can you do to achieve this?
- Take on another job and work two jobs? Will you still have a life?
- Borrow some money - you will have to pay it back with interest!
- Start a business? Do you have the capital - a Business needs a lot of money to start up and in the end you do not know if it will succeed!
Have you thought about Network Marketing?
What do you need?
- Time...this is not a get rich quick scheme...you need to commit for at least 12 months to experience the pure joy of receiving a passive income on a monthly basis
- R125.00 per month - that is all the money you need to start your own online Network Marketing Business
- a Computer with Internet access
- With only 3 people per month your business is free until you have enough people in your downline to cover your costs and you will be making profit.
- You receive bonusses with every person you refer over and above your normal monthly income
- You can receive monthly cash bonusses
- You can receive a BMW as bonus - fully paid for.
- You will build up a residual monthly income
- You can work from home
- You can work part time
Where will you be in 12 months if you do not do this...same situation or maybe even worse!
If you are interested in this outstanding South African opportunity, CLICK HERE
When you join from my link I will personally assist you in making a success of your online business.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Begin jou eie Internet Besigheid
Begin vandag nog met jou eie Internet Besigheid!
Ek het verskeie navrae ontvang van mense wat wil weet hoe hulle kan geld maak op die internet of 'n ekstra inkomste kan verdien. Ek het gevolglik besluit om my kennis te deel met almal wat belangstel dmv 'n maandelikse nuusbrief wat verskeie onderwerpe gaan hanteer.
As jy deur al hierdie onderwerpe is sal jy weet wat om te doen, hoe om dit te doen en sal jy 'n ekstra inkomste kan verdien wat selfs jou huidige inkomste kan vervang sodat jy voltyds van die huis af kan werk.
Ek is betrokke by Netwerk Bemarking ook bekend as Multivlak bemarking en daarom sal die meeste van die onderwerpe daaroor handel. Ek sal probeer om dit so maklik verstaanbaar as moontlik te maak vir almal.
Om hierdie inligting te ontvang moet jy inteken by my nuusbrief. Gratis en verniet en wanneer jy voel jy het genoeg gehad kan jy jouself verwyder van die lys. Geen verpligitng nie. Die skakel is heelonder.
Hieronder is 'n lys van onderwerpe wat oor 'n tydperk hanteer sal word. As jy aan nog kan dink waaroor jy iets wil weet, lewer jou kommentaar onderaan hierdie "post" en ek sal dit by my lysie voeg. Ek waardeer dit as jy kommentaar lewer. Dan voel dit darem of ek nie alles verniet doen nie en ek weet wat jou behoeftes en vrae is.
Ek het verskeie navrae ontvang van mense wat wil weet hoe hulle kan geld maak op die internet of 'n ekstra inkomste kan verdien. Ek het gevolglik besluit om my kennis te deel met almal wat belangstel dmv 'n maandelikse nuusbrief wat verskeie onderwerpe gaan hanteer.
As jy deur al hierdie onderwerpe is sal jy weet wat om te doen, hoe om dit te doen en sal jy 'n ekstra inkomste kan verdien wat selfs jou huidige inkomste kan vervang sodat jy voltyds van die huis af kan werk.
Ek is betrokke by Netwerk Bemarking ook bekend as Multivlak bemarking en daarom sal die meeste van die onderwerpe daaroor handel. Ek sal probeer om dit so maklik verstaanbaar as moontlik te maak vir almal.
Om hierdie inligting te ontvang moet jy inteken by my nuusbrief. Gratis en verniet en wanneer jy voel jy het genoeg gehad kan jy jouself verwyder van die lys. Geen verpligitng nie. Die skakel is heelonder.
Hieronder is 'n lys van onderwerpe wat oor 'n tydperk hanteer sal word. As jy aan nog kan dink waaroor jy iets wil weet, lewer jou kommentaar onderaan hierdie "post" en ek sal dit by my lysie voeg. Ek waardeer dit as jy kommentaar lewer. Dan voel dit darem of ek nie alles verniet doen nie en ek weet wat jou behoeftes en vrae is.
- Wat is Netwerk Bemarking
- Waarom Netwerk Beamrking
- Hoe werk Netwerk Bemarking
- Kwalifiseer ek vir Netwerk Bemarking
- Hoekom moet ek geld betaal om geld te verdien
- Moet ek kan verkoop
- Hoe begin ek my eie besigheid op die internet
- Wie is jou teikenmark
- Hoe verdien ek geld
- Begroting - kan ek dit bekostig
- Hoe gou kan ek geld verdien
- Hoeveel kan ek verdien
- Met watter program/produk begin ek
- Wat is my doelwit
- Hoe bemark ek op die internet
- Help ander en help jouself
- Hoe om jou besoekers in kliënte om te skakel
- 7 Eienskappe van top inkomste verdieners in Netwerk Bemarking
- Advertering - waar en hoe
- Sosiale media: Linked, Facebook, Twitter
- Kry reaksie van jou besoekers op jou advertensie - korrekte advertensie beskrywing
- Die regte manier om te adverteer - etiket op sosiale media
- Werkskedule en beplanning
- Beplanningvan jou tyd
- Bemark jouself en nie jou produk nie
- Blog - waarom en hoe (Kry jou eie blog - gratis)
- Webtuiste - waarom en hoe (Kry jou eie gratis webtuiste)
- Autorepsonder
- Die regte manier om e-pos bemarking te doen
- Nuusbrief
- 4 Komponente benodig om 'n lys van mense op te bou
- Hou op om te verkoop!
- Hoekovat dit so lank voor ek begin geld maak - wat doen ek verkeerd
- Hoekom is ander mense suksesvol - hoekom sukkel ek
- Hoe benader ek 'n nuwe potesiële kliënt
Om in te teken by hierdie nuusbrief, KLIEK HIER en onthou om jou kommentaar hieronder te lewer.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
FREE Viral Advertising
Do you want some FREE Viral Advertising?
This is so simple, it is actually unbelievable. At the bottom of this post you will see a line that says, "COMMENTS". Click on it and a space that you can leave a comment will open up.
Use that space to place your ad (no porn or illegal sites please). I will approve all advertisements personally to protect you as well. We do not want all these guys selling viagra and fake gold watches here. We all know them.
If it takes a little while, please be patient as this is done by hand and I am not in front of my computer 24/7...bear in mind that this is a free service. Should not take longer than 24 hours.
How does this work?
Anybody that visit this blog will see your ad in the comments below but you might want to speed things up a little bit. Right at the bottom you will see some buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. You can click on any of those and share it on you FB page or for that matter, on any FB group you want to. The same applies to Twitter, Google+, etc. You might say that you can do that anyway on your own FB page. That might be true, but the next guy comes along and places an ad and does the same thing to share his add. He might have 4 000 different friends on FB than you have and he might belong to different groups on FB that you belong to...are you starting to see how placing you add and sharing it will not only help you but the next guy will help you, and so on and so on. This will help spreading your add virally over the internet and getting exposure you will not have received before...and it's 100% free.
This is not going to mean an avalanche of traffic in one day but given time you will be seeing an increase in traffic which you might not even remember where it comes from.
Come back on a daily...weekly...monthly basis and share this page with your add below....you will see a difference.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Die geheim van sukses met Netwerk Bemarking
Ek soek 'n goeie besigheid op die internet om mee geld te maak - enige voorstelle
Doen my 'n guns, plaas jou kommentaar hieronder en plaas dit op jou FB bladsy.
Gebruik hierdie as 'n vinnige toets. Gaan na enige netwerk forum of op facebook en vra die vraag hierbo...
Kyk wat gebeur . . .
Eerstens sal dit die mees gewildste onderwerp wees vir omtrent 'n week of twee en al wat 'n netwerk bemarker is gaan spring vir die geleentheid om jou te red en en jou te probeer oortuig om by sy of haar besigheid aan te sluit. Hulle gaan vir jou vertel waarom hulle besigheid soveel beter is as die volgende ou s'n en hoe maklik jy gaan geld maak.
Weet jy wat?
Dit maak nie saak nie!
Totdat die mense in die industrie vertaan dat dit nie gaan oor die verskillende besighede nie maar dat dit oor JOU gaan. Dit gaan oor die unieke waarde wat JY toevoeg en of JY gelukkig en tevrede is met die besigheid waarin jy is!
Mense koop JOU en nie die besigheid of die produk nie. Totdat mens hierdie eenvoudige konsep verstaan sal mense bly hardloop van een program of besigheid na die volgende sonder om sukses te behaal.
As jy ooit geleer word om aan mense te vertel "Kom sluit by my besigheid aan want..." doen JOUSELF 'n guns en moet dit nie doen nie.
Eerstens, dit is totaal verkeerd! Dit is presies wat 20 ander mense aan die arme mens probeer vertel wat op soek is na 'n besigheid of 'n manier om geld te maak op die internet.
Daardie potensiële nuwe spanlid is totaal deurmekaar en heel moontlik ook al siek en sat vir nog 'n storie oor nog 'n besigheid waarmee jy kan aftree binne 'n maand en miljoene kan verdien. Almal vertel vir jou jy kan so maklik geld maak op die internet. Wel, kom ek vertel vir jou, dit is nie so maklik en dit gebeur ook nie oornag nie. Dit is ook nie regtig waarna hierdie persoon op soek is na nie.
Kom ek verduidelik 'n bietjie meer oor netwerk bemarking.
Die industrie is fantasies. Dit gee die geleentheid aan gewone mense soos ek en jy om 'n besigheid te begin en te bedryf op die internet, op jou eie tyd en teen 'n baie lae koste en jy kan buitengewone dinge en inkomstes bereik. Dit gee aan ons die geleentheid om te groei en te ontwikkel en besondere prestasies te behaal.
Wanneer ons begin is ons nog nie buitengewoon nie.
Meeste mense neem 'n sprong in geloof en sluit by 'n besigheid aan en sê: vertel net vir my wat ek moet doen om geld te maak en ek doen dit!
Dit klink bekend nê? Miskien het jy dit al self gedoen?
DIt lyk gewoonlik na 'n baie oulike ding om te doen maar
die persoon in wie ons, ons vertroue plaas weet gewoonlik
net so min as ons self oor internet bemarking.
Meeste van die tyd wanneer jy aansluit by 'n nuwe besigheid en
wag vir instruksies oor wat om te doen begin ander mense
AKSIE neem en vir hulleself uitvind wat om te doen en hulle kry resultate.
Hierdie ouens van aksie kry die inligting wat nodig is om van hulle nuwe
besigheid 'n sukses te maak, leer wat gedoen moet word en implimenteer dit.
In die werks mentaliteit waar jy vir iemand werk is die meeste mense gewoond
daaraan om met 'n lepel gevoer te word met instruksies en dit dit dan slaafs uit
te voer.
Dit is tyd vir 'n dosis realiteit en jou entrepeneur hoed op te sit en vir jouself te
begin dink.
Ja, stelsels is goed om te ken en as jy weet wat om te doen is dit fantasties en as
jy 'n goeie persoon en leier het wat jou voorgestel het aan die program of
besigheid is dit fantasties maar hierdie is nie 'n werk nie. Jy moet verantwoordelikheid
neem om te bly leer en groei ongeag of jy 'n goeie leier het in die program/ besigheid of nie.
Jy moet self 'n leier word om sukses te bereik!
Dis reg, jou sukses is in jou hande. As jy dit hanteer soos enige ander werk of stokperdjie gaan jy dieselfde tipe geld verdien....YUCK! Dit is nie wat jy wil hê nie, is dit?
Die gevaar is. . .
Ons probeer die besigheid of program voorhou aan potensiële kliënte as die beste in die mark wat nie weerstaan kan word en waarby hulle dadelik by wil aansluit omrede hulle miljoene kan maak. In die proses verdwyn jy in die agtergrond.
Dit is baie gevaarlik want dit laat potensiële kliënte met 'n keuse van verskillende programme waarvan hulle kan kies om by aan te sluit. Jy het dus geen beheer verder oor daardie kliënt se keuses nie. Wat eintlik moet gebeur is dat jy jouself moet bemark en vir 'n potensiële kliënt laat weet wat jy aan hom kan bied. Jy moet uitvind wat jou potensiële kliënt se behoeftes is en dan moet jy aan hom verduidelik hoe jy aan daardie behoeftes kan voldoen sodat hy ook sy drome en ideale kan bereik, nie joune nie maar syne.
Dit kan jy slegs doen as jy so 'n persoon leer ken en slegs wanneer hy jou begin vertrou sal hy kyk na jou programme.
Wanneer hy JOU kies kan jy baie meer daardeur wen as wat hy tussen verskillende netwerk bemarkings programme moet kies. Jy is dus besig om lojaliteit te bou met 'n persoon wat lank by jou sal bly en jou in die toekoms sal ondersteun. You are building loyalty.
Dink terug...hoekom het jy by 'n spesifieke program aangsluit in die verlede? Was dit oor besigheid self of oor die persoon wat dit aan jou gebied het en sy ondersteuning aangebied het sodat jy jou drome kan vervul in die toekoms. Jy wil dalk geld maak of 'n tweede inkomste verdien.
Meeste van ons kies 'n netwerk mpy vir die tweede rede, of ons dit bewustelik doen of nie, dit is wat gebeur.
'n Netwerk bemarkings mpy is net so sterk soos sy leiers en 'n leier is net so sterk soos sy leiers.
Wat 'n regte leier doen is om die tegniese aspekte van die netwerk bemarkings mpy weg te neem en 'n potensiële kliënt die keuse te gee om saam met hom persoonlik te werk. Daarna hang dit af van die ondersteuning wat hy jou bied. Let wel, ek sê nie dat hy vir jou die werk gaan doen nie. daar is ook nie 'n duidelike afbekaneing deur te sê, jy doen A,B en C en dan is jou werk afgehandel nie en jy gaan soveel geld per maand verdien nie. Ek sê weer, jy moet begin dink soos 'n entrepeneur of besigheidsmens en nie soos 'n werknemer wat wag dat sy daaglikse take vir hom gegee word en dan is sy werk afgehandel nie.
Bemark jouself, bied jou dienste aan, help ander met dit wat jy elke dag leer en kyk hoe groei jou besigheid.
Mense kies mense!
As 'n industrie MOET ons ophou om in die agtergrond te beweeg en wegbeweeg daarvan om die besigheid te bemark. Ons moet eintlik die teenoorgestelde doen. Bemark jouself en mense sal jou volg in watter besigheid ookal!
Wat gebeur as jy die mpy bou en iets gebeur met daardie mpy (hy verdwyn dalk oornag, maak toe, eienaar gaan dood), wat dan?
Moet nie vir ander wag om te verander nie, begin self en doen dit nou dadelik! Bou 'n netwerk van mense onder jou op!
Plaas asseblief jou kommentaar hieronder en post dit op jou Facebook bladsy
As jy meer inligitng soek, KLIEK HIER
Doen my 'n guns, plaas jou kommentaar hieronder en plaas dit op jou FB bladsy.
Gebruik hierdie as 'n vinnige toets. Gaan na enige netwerk forum of op facebook en vra die vraag hierbo...
Kyk wat gebeur . . .
Eerstens sal dit die mees gewildste onderwerp wees vir omtrent 'n week of twee en al wat 'n netwerk bemarker is gaan spring vir die geleentheid om jou te red en en jou te probeer oortuig om by sy of haar besigheid aan te sluit. Hulle gaan vir jou vertel waarom hulle besigheid soveel beter is as die volgende ou s'n en hoe maklik jy gaan geld maak.
Weet jy wat?
Dit maak nie saak nie!
Totdat die mense in die industrie vertaan dat dit nie gaan oor die verskillende besighede nie maar dat dit oor JOU gaan. Dit gaan oor die unieke waarde wat JY toevoeg en of JY gelukkig en tevrede is met die besigheid waarin jy is!
Mense koop JOU en nie die besigheid of die produk nie. Totdat mens hierdie eenvoudige konsep verstaan sal mense bly hardloop van een program of besigheid na die volgende sonder om sukses te behaal.
As jy ooit geleer word om aan mense te vertel "Kom sluit by my besigheid aan want..." doen JOUSELF 'n guns en moet dit nie doen nie.
Eerstens, dit is totaal verkeerd! Dit is presies wat 20 ander mense aan die arme mens probeer vertel wat op soek is na 'n besigheid of 'n manier om geld te maak op die internet.
Daardie potensiële nuwe spanlid is totaal deurmekaar en heel moontlik ook al siek en sat vir nog 'n storie oor nog 'n besigheid waarmee jy kan aftree binne 'n maand en miljoene kan verdien. Almal vertel vir jou jy kan so maklik geld maak op die internet. Wel, kom ek vertel vir jou, dit is nie so maklik en dit gebeur ook nie oornag nie. Dit is ook nie regtig waarna hierdie persoon op soek is na nie.
Kom ek verduidelik 'n bietjie meer oor netwerk bemarking.
Die industrie is fantasies. Dit gee die geleentheid aan gewone mense soos ek en jy om 'n besigheid te begin en te bedryf op die internet, op jou eie tyd en teen 'n baie lae koste en jy kan buitengewone dinge en inkomstes bereik. Dit gee aan ons die geleentheid om te groei en te ontwikkel en besondere prestasies te behaal.
Wanneer ons begin is ons nog nie buitengewoon nie.
Meeste mense neem 'n sprong in geloof en sluit by 'n besigheid aan en sê: vertel net vir my wat ek moet doen om geld te maak en ek doen dit!
Dit klink bekend nê? Miskien het jy dit al self gedoen?
DIt lyk gewoonlik na 'n baie oulike ding om te doen maar
die persoon in wie ons, ons vertroue plaas weet gewoonlik
net so min as ons self oor internet bemarking.
Meeste van die tyd wanneer jy aansluit by 'n nuwe besigheid en
wag vir instruksies oor wat om te doen begin ander mense
AKSIE neem en vir hulleself uitvind wat om te doen en hulle kry resultate.
Hierdie ouens van aksie kry die inligting wat nodig is om van hulle nuwe
besigheid 'n sukses te maak, leer wat gedoen moet word en implimenteer dit.
In die werks mentaliteit waar jy vir iemand werk is die meeste mense gewoond
daaraan om met 'n lepel gevoer te word met instruksies en dit dit dan slaafs uit
te voer.
Dit is tyd vir 'n dosis realiteit en jou entrepeneur hoed op te sit en vir jouself te
begin dink.
Ja, stelsels is goed om te ken en as jy weet wat om te doen is dit fantasties en as
jy 'n goeie persoon en leier het wat jou voorgestel het aan die program of
besigheid is dit fantasties maar hierdie is nie 'n werk nie. Jy moet verantwoordelikheid
neem om te bly leer en groei ongeag of jy 'n goeie leier het in die program/ besigheid of nie.
Jy moet self 'n leier word om sukses te bereik!
Dis reg, jou sukses is in jou hande. As jy dit hanteer soos enige ander werk of stokperdjie gaan jy dieselfde tipe geld verdien....YUCK! Dit is nie wat jy wil hê nie, is dit?
Die gevaar is. . .
Ons probeer die besigheid of program voorhou aan potensiële kliënte as die beste in die mark wat nie weerstaan kan word en waarby hulle dadelik by wil aansluit omrede hulle miljoene kan maak. In die proses verdwyn jy in die agtergrond.
Dit is baie gevaarlik want dit laat potensiële kliënte met 'n keuse van verskillende programme waarvan hulle kan kies om by aan te sluit. Jy het dus geen beheer verder oor daardie kliënt se keuses nie. Wat eintlik moet gebeur is dat jy jouself moet bemark en vir 'n potensiële kliënt laat weet wat jy aan hom kan bied. Jy moet uitvind wat jou potensiële kliënt se behoeftes is en dan moet jy aan hom verduidelik hoe jy aan daardie behoeftes kan voldoen sodat hy ook sy drome en ideale kan bereik, nie joune nie maar syne.
Dit kan jy slegs doen as jy so 'n persoon leer ken en slegs wanneer hy jou begin vertrou sal hy kyk na jou programme.
Wanneer hy JOU kies kan jy baie meer daardeur wen as wat hy tussen verskillende netwerk bemarkings programme moet kies. Jy is dus besig om lojaliteit te bou met 'n persoon wat lank by jou sal bly en jou in die toekoms sal ondersteun. You are building loyalty.
Dink terug...hoekom het jy by 'n spesifieke program aangsluit in die verlede? Was dit oor besigheid self of oor die persoon wat dit aan jou gebied het en sy ondersteuning aangebied het sodat jy jou drome kan vervul in die toekoms. Jy wil dalk geld maak of 'n tweede inkomste verdien.
Meeste van ons kies 'n netwerk mpy vir die tweede rede, of ons dit bewustelik doen of nie, dit is wat gebeur.
'n Netwerk bemarkings mpy is net so sterk soos sy leiers en 'n leier is net so sterk soos sy leiers.
Wat 'n regte leier doen is om die tegniese aspekte van die netwerk bemarkings mpy weg te neem en 'n potensiële kliënt die keuse te gee om saam met hom persoonlik te werk. Daarna hang dit af van die ondersteuning wat hy jou bied. Let wel, ek sê nie dat hy vir jou die werk gaan doen nie. daar is ook nie 'n duidelike afbekaneing deur te sê, jy doen A,B en C en dan is jou werk afgehandel nie en jy gaan soveel geld per maand verdien nie. Ek sê weer, jy moet begin dink soos 'n entrepeneur of besigheidsmens en nie soos 'n werknemer wat wag dat sy daaglikse take vir hom gegee word en dan is sy werk afgehandel nie.
Bemark jouself, bied jou dienste aan, help ander met dit wat jy elke dag leer en kyk hoe groei jou besigheid.
Mense kies mense!
As 'n industrie MOET ons ophou om in die agtergrond te beweeg en wegbeweeg daarvan om die besigheid te bemark. Ons moet eintlik die teenoorgestelde doen. Bemark jouself en mense sal jou volg in watter besigheid ookal!
Wat gebeur as jy die mpy bou en iets gebeur met daardie mpy (hy verdwyn dalk oornag, maak toe, eienaar gaan dood), wat dan?
Moet nie vir ander wag om te verander nie, begin self en doen dit nou dadelik! Bou 'n netwerk van mense onder jou op!
Plaas asseblief jou kommentaar hieronder en post dit op jou Facebook bladsy
As jy meer inligitng soek, KLIEK HIER
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Viral Marketing - 7 Powerful Strategies
To see how I use a combination of this blog, Facebook and LeadsLeap to spread my ads virally over the internet, read up to the last paragraph. It will be worth it.
What is Viral Marketing?
The principle behind Viral Marketing is that it encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others. The advantage of getting individuals to pass on a marketing message is obvious - these people become your marketing team, and do it for free.How does it work?
There are 2 key elements to a viral marketing campaign that need to be addressed:- The Incentive
- Easy Forwarding
- Design of Message
1. The Incentive
The most successful viral marketing will provide people with an incentive to participate - i.e. a reason to pass on the message to others. The reason for this should be obvious - why should people choose to forward your marketing message to others? You need to give them an incentive to do so. This incentive can take the form of a cash incentive, a 'free' product/service that would otherwise have traditional commercial value (e.g. free online 'disk space' where people can upload documents and access them over the Internet), or some other form of product/service that would not normally be thought of as having value (e.g. a humorous message).The important point here is that an incentive can take many forms - the exact choice of the incentive depends on your goals, resources and audience.
2. Easy Forwarding
The Internet is the ultimate for of viral marketing because of the ease and low cost of someone forwarding your marketing message.3. Design of Message & Incentive
In order for a viral marketing email to be successful the design of the Message and Incentive are also critical. The 'idea' of an incentive may be perfect (e.g. 'We'll give people free advice on how to behave in job interviews') but if your viral campaign does not communicate the incentive, and its benefits, effectively enough, you may as well not have bothered. An ineffectively communicated incentive is no incentive at all.The golden rules in such communication are that the message should be :
- clear
- concise
What Now?
Now that you understand the fundamentals of Viral Marketing, the question becomes how exactly it could help your business? For this, you are likely to need help from professionals who understand how to design such campaigns effectively. The fundamental questions any such professionals should ask you are :- Who is your campaign going to target?
- What is the aim of your campaign?
If you also want to do Viral Marketing and want to find out how you need to do it, please do Two Things for me:
Two Step Action
1. If you like what you have read so far, post this on your facebook page or email it to a friend by clicking on the links below.
2. Now, please click on the link below to find the 7 powerful strategies of Viral Marketing
7 Strategies to Viral Marketing
ps. You are also welcome to leave your comments below, after all, this is what the blog is for. To communicate and find what your feelings are regarding this post. I would welcome your opinion.
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