Showing posts with label Opleiding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opleiding. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2014

Professionals Sort, Amateurs Sell

A short while ago I was sent this letter and it changed my total outlook on internet marketing. I want to share this with you. Is this not what we are supposed to be doing...

Words To Work By.

They should be tatooed on your brain if you're going to have any kind of success in your home-based business.

It's amazing to me how many times I get "pitched" in an average week and the person is almost always selling!

My friend, if you'll remember and apply what I'm about to share with you, it will set you miles apart from the multitudes of home-based business owners out there, desperately trying to recruit new people.

Here it is:

We Sort and we Market, we do not SELL!

Want to know one of the quickest ways to fail in your home-based business?

Become a sales person.

I've seen it happen. Someone comes into your business and he signs up a ton of people. He signs up 30 people in one month! This guy is a natural born salesman and is surely going to take you to the top of your company's comp plan. You've finally landed your "heavy hitter." 

Then what happens?

The people he signed up, within a couple of months, start to fall out and quit.

And your new golden boy can't figure out what's going on because it was so easy for him.

Why did they join that networking witness protection program?

They couldn't duplicate what the sales superstar did.

You see, people can't be duplicated.

That's why a good system should be in place that can be duplicatable. That system involves "sorting and sifting" through the numbers of people you pile into your "pipeline."

Sorting does not mean selling. That is why you need a good autoresponder that can do the work even when you are sleeping .

How do you know if you're selling when talking to a prospect?

The moment you start to explain anything about your product or service. If you say anything more than the name of your company, you are selling. If you tell them the price of your product or service, you are selling. If you start telling the prospect about how the compensation plan works, you are selling!


Your job should be merely to sort (interview) as many people as you can. Choose the candidates that qualify for your time and then use your company's marketing tools to do all of the selling and telling for you.

That is why you need a good autoresponder.

The marketing tools could be a website, CD, flash presentation, a 
LIVE conference call, whatever. Just make sure it's a persuasive 

sales and marketing tool that does all the "heavy lifting" for you. 

Don't waste time with people who insists that you tell them "what's IT all about?" on the first call or introduction.

You don't become attached to any one person on the phone.

The person on the other end of the phone is a "nobody" that must qualify for your time. So until they qualify (by answering your pre-screening questions to your satisfaction) they are just a voice and a phone number.

You're not attached!

Again, "Professionals Sort, Amateurs Sell." 

Let this system sort the important people and then you can start selling to those that are really interested

Free Traffic to your blog

We all want traffic, right? Whatever the reason you want visitors or traffic...without traffic there is no reason to have a website or blog, correct. It is there for other people to see. The more the better. 

I think the time has come to formally introduce you to the VIRAL SPIRAL.

Some of us spend a lot of time on the net posting and making new friends but if you can get a system which wil spread your blog all over the net all by itself for FREE, would you do it? You can then sit back and do the things you want to do. Make new friends and spend time to chat with those that you want to.

This wil not cost you a dime. There are three websites to join where you fill in your details and then you tell all your friends about it so that they can do the same. I have put the 2nd website address to follow the first one and so on. Once you have a complete downline you change the address on all three websites to your blog address so that the visitors will be visiting your blog instead of the 2nd viral website you are advertising. By doing this you will receive thousands of visitors to your blog each and every day.

Do you have anything to lose....Noooooo.

Can you get something out of it? I think so! Thousands of visitors for FREE. It could be worth a try. 

Let's do it then. Just click>> here <<for your first link.

Becoming Financially Independent or Successful

Self image causes limitations on performance

Everybody has a self image. This means in short – What do you think about yourself? If you do not like yourself, how can you expect anybody else to like you? Your self image is hidden in your subconscious mind and it houses your good and your bad characteristics, how you act in certain situations and towards other people (we see quite a lot of people on the internet who do not think very much about themselves if you look at the comments in some forums).

You are born with a clear self image and from the first day of your life certain images gets imprinted into your mind on how you must act in certain situations. This creates a pattern which causes you to act in a certain way without thinking and if you allow a lot of negative situations to get imprinted into your mind you will start to act negative. That is part of the reason why it is said some people are accident prone or attract negative things towards them.

Your self image is therefore how you see yourself and is not necessarily the truth. It can therefore be changed. You act according to the image you have of yourself in your mind. If you change the self image of an individual you change his complete personality and actions because his personality is dependant on his self image.

If you are taking part in a sport and you think you have reached your limit in high jump or you think you cannot run faster no records will be broken. Luckily there are athletes with good self images who believe in themselves and always try to improve on their previous best and records are broken every year. I f they can, you can also do it.

This information brochure consisting of 10 parts is written to help you establish what it is that is keeping you from being successful. Identifying your fears, how to stick to a budget and how to live instead of just to exist.

How you can be happy and independent, pay of your debt, credit card, bond and live your dreams. You can work through this course and then stop dreaming and start living.

It does not matter if you are broke of just work a job (just over broke) you can be self sufficient and earn more money by being self-employed. In order to do this you must first of all be confident about yourself and have a good self-image.

If you want to work at home, become more wealthy or want to be financially independent and save some money you must take action and really change your life by going here 

Article Source:

Sunday, June 8, 2014

List Building

Isn't it funny, you get so many methods and programmes on the net that tells you about all the wonderful ways on how you can make money and become an instant millionaire but very few people tell you that you need customers and a list to sell those programmes to.

Without customers who buy these products or join your programmes everything you do is worth a big fat ZERO.

Take a look here for something that you cannot do without. It also explains the "art" of list building and getting traffic.

I'd rush to get this now if I were you. Just CLICK HERE

How to create profitable business ideas by Kenneth Koh from Leads Leap

If you want to become a member of Leads Leap, >>click here<<

October 24, 2008 By Kenneth Koh
I think it is “timely” that we talk about how to create profitable business ideas for your online business.
Why is it timely? Here’s why…
On Wednesday, I released our brand new List Builder Script, free for all LeadsLeap members. Shortly after the release, I received many emails from members asking what are the business ideas that can be used with the script.
Now, technically speaking, the script can be used for any niche and any business idea. The only problem is some business ideas may be more profitable than the others.
So in today’s blog, I’ll show you how to create profitable business ideas.
First, you have to decide which niche market to focus on and whether the niche is profitable.
If I were to start another online business tomorrow, I will have to make sure that……
1) The market has an ongoing supply of new products that I can promote.
2) People’s interest in that niche do not change too quickly. For example, I will not use the List Builder Script to build a business around “spyware removal” because once I provide them with the solution, they are not likely to want to hear from me again.
3) People in the niche are always craving for more information.
4) There are many affiliates in the niche that I can contact and JV with.
5) There are established websites where I can find lots of people interested in the niche. This is to ensure that I can easily find targeted traffic for my new business, through advertising or striking deals with the webmasters.
Examples of good niches are internet marketing, stock trading, forex trading, body building, holistic health and personal improvement.
If I found a niche that I see a potential in, I will ask myself 2 questions.
1) Can I find/create a useful product to giveaway?2) Can I find/create a high value product to sell?
1) Can I find/create a useful product to giveaway?
In some niches, you can find some PLR products that you can give away. This is by far the fastest way to kick start your online business.
Another way is to create your own product, which may not be difficult at all.
The trick is to create something that is useful to the people in the niche.
Here is one idea that I just think off my head.
For example, You can create an ebook called “Online Scam Report - A complete list of scam (or near scam) programs you should avoid before you become the next victim”. Just go to and search for “scam”. You will be able to find websites discussing about different scam programs. Your job is to compile those programs into a book or if you are lazy, get a freelancer to do it.
2) Can I find/create a high value product to sell?
This is an important part in making sure that your business idea is profitable.
A profitable business idea should be able to help you generate immediate profit so as to fund your future expansion and cover your advertising costs.
This can easily be done with the One-Time-Offer feature in the free LeadsLeap List Builder Script and a powerful strategy that I’m going to share with you now.
The idea is to create a high value product worth thousands of dollars, write a sales letter that looks as if you are going to sell it for $197, and offer it for $9. This idea has never failed to work!
If you are in the internet marketing niche, the easiest way is to compile a huge package of PLR and MRR products that worth thousands of dollars.
Alternatively, you can create a high value product on your own.
For example, I’ve seen people giving away 1 website template and offer 10 website templates for $5 as a one time offer. This is a good and profitable business idea because website templates have high perceived values. At a great offer of $5, you bet a lot of people will bite.
Creating profitable business ideas is not rocket science. Once you can identify a profitable niche, all you have to do is to think of something useful to giveaway for list building purpose and something of high value to sell it cheap for immediate profit. Together with other backend sales, it is almost guaranteed that you’ll have a profitable business in both the short run and long run.

To learn more, click here

# 1 Reason why most people fail online

Do you know what’s the #1 reason why most people fail to make money online?
The #1 reason is indecision!
They can’t decide if internet marketing is for them. They are getting mixed messages from everywhere, messages like:
“You can make a million trading the stock market.”
“You can achieve financial freedom with MLM.”
“No, I think I should be a REAL brick and mortar businessman. Internet marketing is not a career!”
One of the secrets of success is that when you make a decision, everything else will fall into places. It’s one of the secrets of the universe, as important as the law of attraction.

Do yo want to read more? >>Click here <<to get the full story

Viral Contextual Advertising - for Free?

We all know that Viral advertising is one of the best methods of advertising. When you get a system which will help you build leads at the same time and you can earn money it puts the whole system on steroids and make it so much easier
1000 Minutes Of Video Tutorials FREE If You Get In FREE Now - Click here

The truth about creating a passive income online

August 1, 2008 By Kenneth Koh
Creating a passive income online is something that you probably have heard of. Many business opportunities use the idea of “creating a passive income online” to sell you their systems. It works because I’m using this trick too. But does passive income really exists?
In this article, my goal is to share with you some essential truth about creating a passive income online. I know most of you are more keen to learn how to create a passive income online. I’ll talk about it in future. But before I do that, it is important for me to cover some grounds and get your mindset right.

To read more, click here

To join Leads Leap and create a passive income, click here

Who is clicking your ads

July 25, 2008 By Kenneth Koh

Today’s blog post is for LeadsLeap members. If you are not a member, you can sign up here.
In this post, I’m going to bring you to our back-office and show you some stats about the traffic that we send to you.

You will find out about real targeted traffic directly from the search engines. How can you channel this traffic to your website or blog?

To find out more, click here

Proven ways to make money on the internet

Do you know that there are a few proven ways to gaurantee that you will make money on the internet but there is also one sure method which will gaurantee that you will lose money on the internet.

Have you fallen into the the trap?

Do you want to find out what it is to make sure that you don't fall into the trap that has trapped millions of people before you and is still doing so today.

The question is, do yo want to make money or lose money?

To find out, click here

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Begin jou eie Internet Besigheid

Begin vandag nog met jou eie Internet Besigheid!

Ek het verskeie navrae ontvang van mense wat wil weet hoe hulle kan geld maak op die internet of 'n ekstra inkomste kan verdien. Ek het gevolglik besluit om my kennis te deel met almal wat belangstel dmv 'n maandelikse nuusbrief wat verskeie onderwerpe gaan hanteer.

As jy deur al hierdie onderwerpe is sal jy weet wat om te doen, hoe om dit te doen en sal jy 'n ekstra inkomste kan verdien wat selfs jou huidige inkomste kan vervang sodat jy voltyds van die huis af kan werk.

Ek is betrokke by Netwerk Bemarking ook bekend as Multivlak bemarking en daarom sal die meeste van die onderwerpe daaroor handel. Ek sal probeer om dit so maklik verstaanbaar as moontlik te maak vir almal.

Om hierdie inligting te ontvang moet jy inteken by my nuusbrief.  Gratis en verniet en wanneer jy voel jy het genoeg gehad kan jy jouself verwyder van die lys. Geen verpligitng nie. Die skakel is heelonder.

Hieronder is 'n lys van onderwerpe wat oor 'n tydperk hanteer sal word. As jy aan nog kan dink waaroor jy iets wil weet, lewer jou kommentaar onderaan hierdie "post" en ek sal dit by my lysie voeg. Ek waardeer dit as jy kommentaar lewer. Dan voel dit darem of ek nie alles verniet doen nie en ek weet wat jou behoeftes en vrae is.


  1. Wat is Netwerk Bemarking
  2. Waarom Netwerk Beamrking
  3. Hoe werk Netwerk Bemarking
  4. Kwalifiseer ek vir Netwerk Bemarking
  5. Hoekom moet ek geld betaal om geld te verdien 
  6. Moet ek kan verkoop
  7. Hoe begin ek my eie besigheid op die internet
  8. Wie is jou teikenmark
  9. Hoe verdien ek geld 
  10. Begroting - kan ek dit bekostig
  11. Hoe gou kan ek geld verdien
  12. Hoeveel kan ek verdien
  13. Met watter program/produk begin ek
  14. Wat is my doelwit
  15. Hoe bemark ek op die internet
  16. Help ander en help jouself
  17. Hoe om jou besoekers in kliënte om te skakel
  18. 7 Eienskappe  van top inkomste verdieners in Netwerk Bemarking
  19. Advertering - waar en hoe
  20. Sosiale media: Linked, Facebook, Twitter
  21. Kry reaksie van jou besoekers op jou advertensie - korrekte advertensie beskrywing
  22. Die regte manier om te adverteer - etiket op sosiale media
  23. Werkskedule en beplanning
  24. Beplanningvan jou tyd
  25. Bemark jouself en nie jou produk nie
  26. Blog - waarom en hoe (Kry jou eie blog - gratis)
  27. Webtuiste - waarom en hoe (Kry jou eie gratis webtuiste)
  28. Autorepsonder
  29. Die regte manier om e-pos bemarking te doen
  30. Nuusbrief
  31. 4 Komponente benodig om 'n lys van mense op te bou
  32. Hou op om te verkoop!
  33. Hoekovat dit so lank voor ek begin geld maak - wat doen ek verkeerd
  34. Hoekom is ander mense suksesvol - hoekom sukkel ek
  35. Hoe benader ek 'n nuwe potesiële kliënt
Om in te teken by hierdie nuusbrief, KLIEK HIER en onthou om jou kommentaar hieronder te lewer.