Showing posts with label mlm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mlm. Show all posts

Sunday, October 12, 2014

How does mlm and residual income work

What does words like MLM, Residual Income and Pyramid Systems mean and how does it work.

Many uninformed people believe that mlm (multi-level marketing) or network marketing is a pryramid system and that it is illegal.

The structure of a mlm payment system looks a lot like a pyramid and therefore they think that only the top people make money. This could not be further from the truth.

People also believe that it is wrong to pay money to make money.

If you are invited to join a program and only have to pay once you must be careful. Ask the person who invites you where the money comes from to pay the other people.

Why? If there is no money coming into the system from sales of a product, where is the money coming from...have you asked yourself this question.

The only source it can come from is from new investors who are told that they can make huge profits by investing a large amount into a specific system...and they only have to invest once.

MLM is nothing else than sharing commission on a product that is sold. There has to be money coming into a system on a regular monthly basis...that can be from sales or membership fees, etc.

This is the big difference between a legal MLM and an illegal Pyramid System...

When you have a product that can be sold independently without the mlm system you can investigate it further because that will already be proof to you that the product can work without the mlm payment structure and that is a good sign.

The mlm payment structure gives the owners of the product the opportunity to save on big advertising costs in the media, television, radio, etc because they make use of the oldest and best advertising method there is and that is word of mouth...people telling people.

Let's look at an example....

Direct Selling
John is a sales rep and sells product A. He gets 10% commission on every product he sells. At the end of the month his sales gets calculated and he gets paid for all his sales. In the new month he has to start selling again because if he does not sell anything he will not earn anything.

Product  A   10% Commission
R100.00            R10.00


You get Product A to sell but instead of only you selling, you get other people to help you.

John joins the mlm program (Level 1) and gets somebody ( Mary) to help him (Level 2). Mary gets somebody to help her...(Scott) Level 3.

In the meantime you get somebody else to join as well (Peter) (Level 2)


Level 1                                                       i  John
Level 2                                           i Mary           i (Peter)
Level 3                                           i Scott      i              i
Level 4                                           i           i        i            i
Level 5                                           i     i      i         i    i       i
Level 6                                           i    i   i    i     i   i   i   i   i

Now the commission is split into the different levels and depending on the product owner (company) who decides how much commission is paid on each level you can earn a lot of money from the people below you...depending on who works and who does not work.

You will earn a residual income from all the people below you. This is where a lot of people think residual income, sometimes referred to as passive income means you do not have to work....please wake up....there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Passive Income means you have worked hard to refer Mary.  Mary is also working hard and pays her monthly fee for the use of the product. That fee is then split up in different ways. The cost of the product is deducted...overhead costs (just like any other business) are deducted and the commission is split into the different levels.

That is in short how mlm works. You get paid every month for the work you put in the beginning because as long as every member who join, pays their monthly fee for the use of the product (whatever it is) you will receive an income from the members you referred as well as the members they referred for several levels below you. This mean you can receive a substantial income from several members over a period of time without doing the same work every month. It also means that your income does not start at zero every month but grows as the amount of members in the levels below you, grows.

It also means that you do not have to do all the work yourself but if each person does their little bit of work and refer only one person per month you will have a group of people of more than 2 000 below you in 12 months....imagine the amount of income you will receive from that amount of people.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Why do I have to Pay money to make money with MLM

It's funny isn't it.

When you get an offer where somebody offers you a million bucks by doing nothing or something like, just share this photograph or post on FB and you will receive a brand new BMW....most people will say the following..if it's sounds too good to be probably is "too good to be true".

Ironically, a lot of people saying that, will secretly still share that link or photograph in the hope
of getting that car or a million bucks.

We have all seen those posts stating that some super rich millionaire has decided to share his millions of $$$'s with everybody on FB...?

Do you really believe it....have you shared something like that in the past. People do this for the same
reason they buy a lottery the hope of becoming an instant millionaire.

Let me share a secret with you quickly...this is how people get's hold of people's Fb profiles and email addresses...and they start sending them spam...unwanted ads and messages...Think twice before you share those opportunities again.

Now, on the other hand, somebody makes a post and places an ad in one of the groups on FB offering people an opportunity to "work from home".  This requires that you sometimes need to pay a registration fee as well as a monthly fee. lights...everybody in that group shouts at the poor guy trying to rob people of their hard earned money by scamming them with registration costs as well as a monthly fee.

My question is, what do people want...everybody wants to earn extra money but nobody is prepared to do anything for it or put in any work to earn it.

This ad is probably about a network marketing product of commonly known as mlm (multi-level marketing).

I will agree with you, there are scammers out there as well  as gimmicks but if you really do your own research you will probably find that is not a scam.

How do you know which ones are scams and which ones are legitimate (legal)

First of all, there must be a PRODUCT. Any business needs a PRODUCT to sell to make money. The owners of the business/product use network marketing to distribute and market the product because people love to talk and share their views and experiences with other people.

This is something that most people do without realising it..."networking". When you have eaten out at a nice new steakhouse you will tell your friends about it (first level) and they will tell their friends about it (second level) and they will tell their friends about it (third level) and so it carries on. This is probably one of the best forms of advertising.

The steakhouse is getting the best possible form of advertising without paying for it and you are definitely not paid for it, are you?  That is all network marketing is...telling other people about your experiences...and getting paid for it.

Now, network marketing was developed many years ago by a company who realised that they could increase their sales by getting their sales reps to appoint their own sales reps underneath them and sharing their commission amongst them. By doing this they could cover a bigger area and reach many more customers which resulted in bigger sales and profits.

This system was developed as early as in the 1920's, 1930 and 1940's with various companies and products. This has been going for so many years and still people think it's a scam?

I agree that some of them may be illegal or scams.

What to look out for...
1. When somebody offers you an abnormally high income with only a once-off payment required. Just ask yourself one question...where does the money come from to pay current members. The answer is.....yes, you guessed it...they need new people to register on a continuous basis to pay the existing members.  Sooner or later the once-off deposit required to join will be increased slightly because the organisation does not have enough to pay the current members anymore. 

With mlm you have to pay for the use of the service or product on a monthly basis and that money is used to pay the company who provides the service or product and also the sales people who get a monthly commission. If you work and grow your organisation, your income grows...not by getting new people to pay more money to pay current members.

This is one of the differences between a legal mlm system and a scam. 

If you are interested in learning more and becoming involved in a legal multi-level marketing product where you can start working part-time from home at a very low cost to:

1. Make yourself an extra income on a monthly basis to cover your monthly expenses

2. Build up a residual income which will possibly help you to retire earlier than originally planned

3. Make sure you have an income to rely on for the day you retire

click here and add me as friend on FB.

We help people to help themselves...what is holding you back.



Monday, June 16, 2014

Professionals Sort, Amateurs Sell

A short while ago I was sent this letter and it changed my total outlook on internet marketing. I want to share this with you. Is this not what we are supposed to be doing...

Words To Work By.

They should be tatooed on your brain if you're going to have any kind of success in your home-based business.

It's amazing to me how many times I get "pitched" in an average week and the person is almost always selling!

My friend, if you'll remember and apply what I'm about to share with you, it will set you miles apart from the multitudes of home-based business owners out there, desperately trying to recruit new people.

Here it is:

We Sort and we Market, we do not SELL!

Want to know one of the quickest ways to fail in your home-based business?

Become a sales person.

I've seen it happen. Someone comes into your business and he signs up a ton of people. He signs up 30 people in one month! This guy is a natural born salesman and is surely going to take you to the top of your company's comp plan. You've finally landed your "heavy hitter." 

Then what happens?

The people he signed up, within a couple of months, start to fall out and quit.

And your new golden boy can't figure out what's going on because it was so easy for him.

Why did they join that networking witness protection program?

They couldn't duplicate what the sales superstar did.

You see, people can't be duplicated.

That's why a good system should be in place that can be duplicatable. That system involves "sorting and sifting" through the numbers of people you pile into your "pipeline."

Sorting does not mean selling. That is why you need a good autoresponder that can do the work even when you are sleeping .

How do you know if you're selling when talking to a prospect?

The moment you start to explain anything about your product or service. If you say anything more than the name of your company, you are selling. If you tell them the price of your product or service, you are selling. If you start telling the prospect about how the compensation plan works, you are selling!


Your job should be merely to sort (interview) as many people as you can. Choose the candidates that qualify for your time and then use your company's marketing tools to do all of the selling and telling for you.

That is why you need a good autoresponder.

The marketing tools could be a website, CD, flash presentation, a 
LIVE conference call, whatever. Just make sure it's a persuasive 

sales and marketing tool that does all the "heavy lifting" for you. 

Don't waste time with people who insists that you tell them "what's IT all about?" on the first call or introduction.

You don't become attached to any one person on the phone.

The person on the other end of the phone is a "nobody" that must qualify for your time. So until they qualify (by answering your pre-screening questions to your satisfaction) they are just a voice and a phone number.

You're not attached!

Again, "Professionals Sort, Amateurs Sell." 

Let this system sort the important people and then you can start selling to those that are really interested

Free Traffic to your blog

We all want traffic, right? Whatever the reason you want visitors or traffic...without traffic there is no reason to have a website or blog, correct. It is there for other people to see. The more the better. 

I think the time has come to formally introduce you to the VIRAL SPIRAL.

Some of us spend a lot of time on the net posting and making new friends but if you can get a system which wil spread your blog all over the net all by itself for FREE, would you do it? You can then sit back and do the things you want to do. Make new friends and spend time to chat with those that you want to.

This wil not cost you a dime. There are three websites to join where you fill in your details and then you tell all your friends about it so that they can do the same. I have put the 2nd website address to follow the first one and so on. Once you have a complete downline you change the address on all three websites to your blog address so that the visitors will be visiting your blog instead of the 2nd viral website you are advertising. By doing this you will receive thousands of visitors to your blog each and every day.

Do you have anything to lose....Noooooo.

Can you get something out of it? I think so! Thousands of visitors for FREE. It could be worth a try. 

Let's do it then. Just click>> here <<for your first link.

Basics of online selling

Those few letters in the subject title will guarantee you success in any venture you have whether it be blogging, selling, marketing (on-line and off-line).

They are the basics of anything that you do. Go to any good sales page of a product somebody is trying to sell and you will see those components in there.

They are the basics that a lot of people tend to forget sometimes.

If you want to see an example of a good sales page you can>> Click Here! << to compare these componets against a good sales page and copy this in all your posts and products that you are trying to sell.

What do they stand for:

A - Attention (Get the readers' attention)

I - Interest (Create an interest in your product or post-you only have a few seconds before your client or reader loose interest and goes elsewhere)

R - Reason (Give him a reason to use you product or the info in you post)

A - Action - Get your reader to take action - he must either click on a link you give him or take out his card to buy, whatever you want him to do)

M - Measure (You must be able to measure the above actions - why do you think everybody talks about tracking links so much?)

Well, there you have it, short but to the point. The basics of selling.

Without the above you will not have success!

Comments on the above post will be appreciated.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

List Building

Isn't it funny, you get so many methods and programmes on the net that tells you about all the wonderful ways on how you can make money and become an instant millionaire but very few people tell you that you need customers and a list to sell those programmes to.

Without customers who buy these products or join your programmes everything you do is worth a big fat ZERO.

Take a look here for something that you cannot do without. It also explains the "art" of list building and getting traffic.

I'd rush to get this now if I were you. Just CLICK HERE

Proven ways to make money on the internet

Do you know that there are a few proven ways to gaurantee that you will make money on the internet but there is also one sure method which will gaurantee that you will lose money on the internet.

Have you fallen into the the trap?

Do you want to find out what it is to make sure that you don't fall into the trap that has trapped millions of people before you and is still doing so today.

The question is, do yo want to make money or lose money?

To find out, click here

Monday, January 20, 2014

How to build a list and get paid for it

You have probably heard this succeed in Internet Marketing you need to build a list. Now, you may wonder why must I build a list and what is a list.  a List is a group of people who are interested in what you have to say and they become your possible prospects.

You see, you could already be involved in some sort of internet marketing..selling a product or a  program on the internet to make some extra money. You could be placing ads on a daily basis. what happens if somebody looks at one of your ads. Well, you have about 5 to 10 seconds to capture that persons attention...and if they move away from your ad you have lost that possible prospect / client forever.

List buidling
If you have that person on a list you can market to them again in the future by giving them valuable information which will help them in their efforts. In this way you are building a relationship with that person and they will start to trust you when they realise that you are not only out to get their money but want to help them as well.

How can you build a list and get paid for it? There are several autoresponders available on the market. I have been using Send Steed for a few years now with no and I am very happy with them.  Besides the many features available they have a built in referral program whereby you get paid for everybody you introduce and who upgrades. Even with your first two introductions you get back your full monthly subscription fee ... so in fact you autoresponder is free and from your third introduction you start earning. Take a look at the excellent payplan here and see how easy it is to get paid from your autoresponder. This is earning good money before you have started marketing your main program yet. Where do you want to get better than that.

You can earn a full time passive income by buidling your list to whom you can market any product at any time in the long as you treat them with respect and help them to als make that not why we are all in this buisness?