Monday, January 20, 2014

How to build a list and get paid for it

You have probably heard this succeed in Internet Marketing you need to build a list. Now, you may wonder why must I build a list and what is a list.  a List is a group of people who are interested in what you have to say and they become your possible prospects.

You see, you could already be involved in some sort of internet marketing..selling a product or a  program on the internet to make some extra money. You could be placing ads on a daily basis. what happens if somebody looks at one of your ads. Well, you have about 5 to 10 seconds to capture that persons attention...and if they move away from your ad you have lost that possible prospect / client forever.

List buidling
If you have that person on a list you can market to them again in the future by giving them valuable information which will help them in their efforts. In this way you are building a relationship with that person and they will start to trust you when they realise that you are not only out to get their money but want to help them as well.

How can you build a list and get paid for it? There are several autoresponders available on the market. I have been using Send Steed for a few years now with no and I am very happy with them.  Besides the many features available they have a built in referral program whereby you get paid for everybody you introduce and who upgrades. Even with your first two introductions you get back your full monthly subscription fee ... so in fact you autoresponder is free and from your third introduction you start earning. Take a look at the excellent payplan here and see how easy it is to get paid from your autoresponder. This is earning good money before you have started marketing your main program yet. Where do you want to get better than that.

You can earn a full time passive income by buidling your list to whom you can market any product at any time in the long as you treat them with respect and help them to als make that not why we are all in this buisness?

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