Sunday, June 8, 2014

What is the the correct way to do eMail Marketing

How do you communicate correctly per email on the internet with a group of people?

There is something that upsets me quite a lot and that is when I open my inbox in the morning and my computer starts downloading all the new messages. I then receive my daily quota of jokes and nonsense everybody passes on faithfully as part of their  daily workload when they have nothing else to do or do not want to work. Some of those jokes have been circulating on the internet for years. Amongst these all  the fantastic offers of free cellphones or Ipads, epads and don't know what...all sorts of electronic gadgets, pads and even money you will receive if you pass "this" message on to at least 10, 15 or 20 people. What happens is that most people just click on the forward button and all the email addresses of the previous recipients are still attached to this specific email and they all get passed on to the new group of people in your address book. My email address is also in that email and although I do not pass it on 9 other people will forward that email to whoever they know all over the world. That results in my email address becoming available to a lot of people I do not know and as a result I start receiving new email on a daily basis with the biggest lot of nonsense which I am not interested in. There are people who start these chain email with the specific purpose of harvesting email addresses which can be sold on the internet.  They are put on specific lists and sold again and again and again. Somebody is making money from email addresses of people who in the first place did not agree to receive information about specific offers and did not request the information that is sent to them on a continuous basis.

If you want to pass on a good joke or some info to a few of your friends or even if your are selling something, use the "Bcc" function. This will prevent the receiver of the email to see all the other addresses and it will look as if that specific email was sent only to them. 

As soon as you are getting seriously into email marketing of any type of product or service and you are sending emails to a group of people or different groups on a regular basis you must seriously consider using an autoresponder. a Lot of people still do not know what an autoresponder is and how you can effectively use it to take over the marketing / selling side of your product. 

An autoresponder is probably one of the most important tools if not the most important tools that you can use in internet marketing.

What can you do with it? Let me give you an example.

Let's say you have joined a specific MLM or nework marketing business and you have received a link with your "own website" which you start advertising on different free advertising sites. That is not wrong's a lot of hard work to keep all those ads up to date. 

Now somebody  comes along and they click on your ad and read it.  They were actually looking for something else when they clicked on your ad and decide that they are not really interested right now and they close it and move on. What happens is that you have lost a possible client for the future and you start advertising all over again. 

When you have a autoresponder you create a capture page. What is a capture page?  That is very a short webpage message with very powerful information (1 or 2 sentences) and a space where that possible client can leave his or her name and email address and they sign up to your autoresponder.   

Now you have that guys or girl's name and email address and you are starting to build a marketing list. They are free to leave your autoresponder at anytime but now you have an opportunity to market responsibly to them. You can load your autoresponder with 200 or more pre-written email messages which will be sent of to everybody that signs up to your responder. You can even have different groups in your autoresponder and program it so that different groups get different sets of pre-written e-mail letters at specific intervals which you also decide beforehand. Let's say you are in the USA and somebody in China or Russia or South Africa signs up to your autoresponder this little tool will start sending out these letters to these people, even while you are sleeping. You can even switch your computer off as this autoresponder is web-based and the internet never sleeps.

You can never be accused of SPAM as the people who sign up do so out of their own free will and agree to receive the information you send then. They can also sign out of the autoresponder at any time and that is why you must treat them like gold. Do not send them a lot of nonsense 10 times a day. A powerful emai with information which can help them will be much more appreciated.

Do you understand why you must not not market your product directly on the internet but rather get the people to sign up to your autoresponder. 

There are a lot more that you can do with your list. When you have a big list of 1 000 or more people you can start selling ads on your list. That is just one of the things you can do or you can send out a weekly / monthly  newsletter.  THe most important thing to do is to build a relationship with the people on the list and when they get to know and trust you they will but from you of join your business.

Which is the best autoresponder to use? There a lot of different ones available in the market from free to very expensive.  

I use Traffic Wave because they have fixed amount you pay every month regardless of how many groups you have in your autoresponder or how many people in every group.  

The other reason why I use Traffic Wave is that they they also have a very good payplan as well. So I use them to market my other products and programs but people sign-up from my link and I earn an income from them as well. You can do the same. So, even before I have started selling I already earn an income.  If you want to know how much you can earn, click on MAKE MONEY WITH TRAFFIC WAVE.

If you want to know how it will cost compared to other autoresponders, CLICK HERE to understand why I chose Traffic Wave as the best.