Thursday, August 9, 2012

FREE Viral Advertising

Do you want some FREE Viral Advertising?

This is so simple, it is actually unbelievable.  At the bottom of this post you will see a line that says, "COMMENTS". Click on it and a space that you can leave a comment will open up.

Use that space to place your ad (no porn or illegal sites please). I will approve all advertisements personally to protect you as well.  We do not want all these guys selling viagra and fake gold watches here. We all know them. 

If it takes a little while, please be patient as this is done by hand and I am not in front of my computer 24/7...bear in mind that this is a free service.  Should not take longer than 24 hours.

How does this work?
Anybody that visit this blog will see your ad in the comments below but you might want to speed things up a little bit.  Right at the bottom you will see some buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. You can click on any of those and share it on you FB page or for that matter, on any FB group you want to. The same applies to Twitter, Google+, etc.  You might say that you can do that anyway on your own FB page. That might be true, but the next guy comes along and places an ad and does the same thing to share his add. He might have 4 000 different friends on FB than you have and he might belong to different groups on FB that you belong to...are you starting to see how placing you add and sharing it will not only help you but the next guy will help you, and so on and so on.  This will help spreading your add virally over the internet and getting exposure you will not have received before...and it's 100% free. 

This is not going to mean an avalanche of traffic in one day but given time you will be seeing an increase in traffic which you might not even remember where it comes from.

Come back on a daily...weekly...monthly basis and share this page with your add will see a difference.