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Monday, June 16, 2014

Professionals Sort, Amateurs Sell

A short while ago I was sent this letter and it changed my total outlook on internet marketing. I want to share this with you. Is this not what we are supposed to be doing...

Words To Work By.

They should be tatooed on your brain if you're going to have any kind of success in your home-based business.

It's amazing to me how many times I get "pitched" in an average week and the person is almost always selling!

My friend, if you'll remember and apply what I'm about to share with you, it will set you miles apart from the multitudes of home-based business owners out there, desperately trying to recruit new people.

Here it is:

We Sort and we Market, we do not SELL!

Want to know one of the quickest ways to fail in your home-based business?

Become a sales person.

I've seen it happen. Someone comes into your business and he signs up a ton of people. He signs up 30 people in one month! This guy is a natural born salesman and is surely going to take you to the top of your company's comp plan. You've finally landed your "heavy hitter." 

Then what happens?

The people he signed up, within a couple of months, start to fall out and quit.

And your new golden boy can't figure out what's going on because it was so easy for him.

Why did they join that networking witness protection program?

They couldn't duplicate what the sales superstar did.

You see, people can't be duplicated.

That's why a good system should be in place that can be duplicatable. That system involves "sorting and sifting" through the numbers of people you pile into your "pipeline."

Sorting does not mean selling. That is why you need a good autoresponder that can do the work even when you are sleeping .

How do you know if you're selling when talking to a prospect?

The moment you start to explain anything about your product or service. If you say anything more than the name of your company, you are selling. If you tell them the price of your product or service, you are selling. If you start telling the prospect about how the compensation plan works, you are selling!


Your job should be merely to sort (interview) as many people as you can. Choose the candidates that qualify for your time and then use your company's marketing tools to do all of the selling and telling for you.

That is why you need a good autoresponder.

The marketing tools could be a website, CD, flash presentation, a 
LIVE conference call, whatever. Just make sure it's a persuasive 

sales and marketing tool that does all the "heavy lifting" for you. 

Don't waste time with people who insists that you tell them "what's IT all about?" on the first call or introduction.

You don't become attached to any one person on the phone.

The person on the other end of the phone is a "nobody" that must qualify for your time. So until they qualify (by answering your pre-screening questions to your satisfaction) they are just a voice and a phone number.

You're not attached!

Again, "Professionals Sort, Amateurs Sell." 

Let this system sort the important people and then you can start selling to those that are really interested