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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Have you started a side hustle yet

Stop thinking about it. Stop making excuses. Get off your but and build a home based business. The reason you give for not getting started is the same reason the next person is going to use to make sure they get started.
What do I mean?
Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons I hear from people from around the world:
But I’m busy. Most people are busy. If you love what you are doing, that’s not a problem. But if you hate your job, as so many people do, this would be the best reason to get started and build a home based business.

But I’m broke. No kidding? This is EXACTLY why you need to get started as soon as possible. A traditional job gives you a couple ways to increase your income: Work more hours or get a raise. There is a limit to how many hours anyone an work and asking for a raise typically doesn’t go very well. This is why so many people get started with a home based business. They get tired of being broke.

But I have kids. Welcome to the big reason I started to build a home based business back in the year 2000. I wanted MORE time with my kids. I didn’t like coming  home from work to just hear about their day. I wanted to be a part of their day.

But my circumstances are different. I’m not even sure what this means, but if you don’t like the circumstances, get started changing them, today!

But I’ve failed before. So? All that means is that you’ve tried. I’ve failed several times in my life and will probably fail quite a few more before I’m done. That’s how we learn. That’s how we grow.

But I’m from a small town. The internet has made this a ridiculous excuse. I’m writing this article from a kitchen table out in the country and reaching people all over the world with my computer and internet access.

But I don’t have any friends. I have never met a single person that can actually say this truthfully, but here’s the thing: It doesn’t matter. We are talking about business. Solve a problem for people and provide a solution. Make friends along the way.

But my parents need me. Great! Make yourself even MORE useful and helpful by building a home based business and make things easier for you and them.

But I work too many long hours. You just gave me a perfect reason to get started. A home based business is about leverage. Success is about leverage. When you get started, you will work even MORE hours! But, if you do it right, you will reach a point that lets you start cutting back those job hours and maybe even fire your boss. (Trust me … that’s a really kewl feeling!)

But I have student loans. Yet another reason to build a home based business. Use the income to pay off the loans. (Did I really need to type that?)

But I don’t know enough. Learn. We have Google. You have mentors and trainers available. We can literally learn everything we need to know. When I started my home based business, I didn’t know ANYTHING about what I was doing.

But I have credit card debt. File this one under the same category as being broke and having student loans. You put stupid stuff on credit cards for years. Put something on there that can actually help you get free from the credit card trap.

But I’m fearful. Aren’t we all? New stuff can be scary. Attach yourself to someone that is getting the results you want and follow their example.

But I work full time. If you want to keep working full time, just stay right where you’re at (unless you get fired). If you don’t want to be working full-time 5 years from now, it’s time to start a home based business.
I recognize this article is pretty direct; unapologetically so. If you don’t WANT a home based business, that’s really ok. But if you are one of those folks who knows you should or wishes you could, it’s just time to “get off your but” and get started. One person’s excuse is another person’s motivation. You get to choose if that is why you “can’t” or why you “must”.
Not sure where to begin? Check out this WEBSITE…  Ask questions. Then, decide to get in the game and make things different for you and your loved ones.
Feel free to leave any comments you like, ask questions, tell me you think I’m a jerk, whatever you like. Let’s talk about it.
Click Here and let me know or scroll up and send me your question right here from the blog.

If you are still reading, you can also check out this website by clicking here

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Want to get Paid for your Network Marketing efforts

You are already doing network marketing (You just don’t get paid for it … yet).
Have you ever …
… told a friend about a movie you liked?
… advised someone on where to have dinner?
… recommended a good book?
… sent a web site link to a friend?
Click here to find out how you can get paid: Click here 
We all have. Every single one of us has recommended some sort of offer to friends of ours. We do it every single day.
I have people tell me, “Doing network marketing is just something I can’t see myself doing.” and then … they do it … for free. At the office, you might say something like:
“Let’s have lunch at this great burger place today.”
“You have got to see this amazing movie!”
“Did you buy that new app, yet? It ROCKS!”
“I’m reading this awesome book. You should check it out.”
You are doing what we all do. Businesses refer to this as “word of mouth marketing” and they know that it can be one of the best ways to create “buzz” about their product or service.
They HOPE you will tell your network of friends and associates about your great experience and then recommend it so that your friends will buy, too.
And when you do refer those friends and those friends spend money, these same companies won’t even send you a thank-you card, much less a piece of the revenue generated by your referral.
You are participating in “word of mouth marketing” by sharing your opinions and recommendations with your “network” of friends and associates.
Like it or not: You are involved in Network Marketing … for free!
Click here to find out how you can get paid: Click here
In my case, I still make recommendations to friends about things I know they are looking for. One of my businesses involves me simply showing people how to save money on stuff they are going to be doing anyway.  
We all make recommendations to our network of friends and associates every day.
We’re all doing some kind of network marketing. It’s a fact of life.
Some of us are getting paid to do it.
Since you’re going to be making recommendations anyway, doesn’t it make sense to align yourself with a company that offers something you can personally believe in, refer a few friends, and make money in the process?
Before You Jump In: Do your research. Not all network marketing companies are the same. Like any other business, there are good and bad companies. The range of products and services is immense and covers everything from telecommunications to nutritional products, coffee, to internet access, and everything in between.
Find a company you can believe in with a product or service that you can truly get personally excited about. Share that product or service just like you do when you recommend a movie, a book, a game, a concert, a restaurant. Let people decide if they want to take your recommendation. And when they do, get a check!
You may be able to supplement your existing income or replace your income altogether. The key is to start with the right company, offer, and team.
You’re doing it anyway, now. You might as well get paid for it!
Click here to find out how you can get paid: Click here 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

MLMs an Aswer to these tough Economic Times

By Bess McCarty

Reprinted from the December 2010 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal, the industry’s oldest, largest newspaper for network marketers.

In these times, many people wonder if they will be laid off, or how they will manage inflation or retirement. Some want a Plan B, and some have found one with network marketing. They may start a business as a backup while working, or upon retiring. Although there challenges to multi-level-marketing businesses, I’ve collected a list of advantages for those considering one.

Answer to recession: 
It can provide job security backup in these uncertain times.
You can grow this business while you keep your current one.
No pressure to succeed within a certain time. Work at your pace.
Replace your current career with one you love.
More job security working for yourself than working for someone else.
Can start a business for usually under $1,000 (vs. $65K to start the average U.S. business which takes 3-5 years to get that back).

Answer to inflation: 
Extra income to fight the cost of living growing faster than people’s cost of living raises.
Low start-up cost, low risk and investment.
Greatest return on investment of ANY business!
No employees, inventory, or store overhead.
Training provided. Almost anyone can do it.
Can work from home, saves the environment, cost of work clothes, driving time.
Allows parents to be home with their children, without childcare costs.
Grants you freedom of time. You set your hours.
Busts past the “work per hour or service” limited income model.
You can make more money in less time, something EVERYBODY wants.
Income and fulfillment are virtually unlimited. There is no ceiling.
The longer you do it, the more you make per hour, unlimited.

Answer for retirement: 
95% of retirees lack adequate funds due to inflation, bankrupt pensions, stock crashes
Seniors who need jobs are having a hard time finding them.
Answer for aging parents who need more money.
Keeps them healthfully active and engaged.
Provides a monthly income when you don’t have capital to invest:
How long will it take you to save $50K to get $200 interest a month income from it? vs.
How long will it take you to build a $200 a month income from an MLM business?

Security for illness: 
Keep getting paid by residual passive income.
Perfect for the disabled with a phone and computer.

Other Advantages

Unlimited return on investment.
Tax deductions and benefits.
Freedom from negative bosses.
Personal growth.
This is your business. You create it the way you want.
You are paid exactly for what you contribute, not more, not less.
Operates by word of mouth, the best and cheapest form of advertising.
Thrives on the new technology that connects the world now.
Live where you want, anywhere in the world, pr even travel continuously.
You grow by becoming a manager/coach, and helping others succeed, vs. profiting off low-income labor.
It’s built on support vs. competition, as in corporate.
You have support as you change from employee thinking to business-owner thinking.
You are not alone. You have a team to rely on.
Endorsed by Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Jack Canfield, and President Clinton
Built giant empires. (Look at Mary Kay)
You can involve the whole family, and teach good work values and habits and vision.
If you enroll family and friends into the business, your company conventions become family reunions!
You can leave the business to your family in your will.
It’s a lot of freedom: more money, time, creativity, and fulfilling service to people.
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