Starting Point

***THIS IS YOUR STARTING POINT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE: Fill in your name en email address at the bottom of this page to find out how you can also make money online in a few Easy Steps to start working from Home! *** Works anywhere in the world!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Viral Contextual Advertising - for Free?

We all know that Viral advertising is one of the best methods of advertising. When you get a system which will help you build leads at the same time and you can earn money it puts the whole system on steroids and make it so much easier
1000 Minutes Of Video Tutorials FREE If You Get In FREE Now - Click here

The truth about creating a passive income online

August 1, 2008 By Kenneth Koh
Creating a passive income online is something that you probably have heard of. Many business opportunities use the idea of “creating a passive income online” to sell you their systems. It works because I’m using this trick too. But does passive income really exists?
In this article, my goal is to share with you some essential truth about creating a passive income online. I know most of you are more keen to learn how to create a passive income online. I’ll talk about it in future. But before I do that, it is important for me to cover some grounds and get your mindset right.

To read more, click here

To join Leads Leap and create a passive income, click here

Can blogging create a Passive Income?

August 22, 2008 By Kenneth Koh
After reading my previous post on The Truth About Creating A Passive Income Online, someone asked me this question, “Can Blogging Create Passive Income?”

To answer this question, first of all, we must understand what is blogging.

To me, blogging is just another traffic strategy, something like article marketing.

To read more, click here...

To build leads, get traffic and make money, click here

Who is clicking your ads

July 25, 2008 By Kenneth Koh

Today’s blog post is for LeadsLeap members. If you are not a member, you can sign up here.
In this post, I’m going to bring you to our back-office and show you some stats about the traffic that we send to you.

You will find out about real targeted traffic directly from the search engines. How can you channel this traffic to your website or blog?

To find out more, click here

Rules from the Male side....HUMOUR

This is just a little bit of humour, so don't take it to seriously.

We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules.:-

Please note that they are all numbered 1 as they are ALL THE GOLDEN RULE.

1. Breasts are for looking at and that is why we do it. Don't try to change that.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Saturday = sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides.Let it be.

1. Shopping is not a sport. and no, we are never going to think of it that way.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one. Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That is what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. A Headache that last 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and any one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say, during commercials.

1. Cristopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colours like Windows default settings. Peach for example, is a fruit, not a colour. Pumpkin is a vegetable. We have no idea what Mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing", we wil act like nothing is wrong. We know you are lying, but is is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, anything you wear is fine. Really.

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics such as Sex, Sport, Cars.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round is a shape.

Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that, it is like camping.

Pass this on to as many women as you can - to give them an education ;-)

Proven ways to make money on the internet

Do you know that there are a few proven ways to gaurantee that you will make money on the internet but there is also one sure method which will gaurantee that you will lose money on the internet.

Have you fallen into the the trap?

Do you want to find out what it is to make sure that you don't fall into the trap that has trapped millions of people before you and is still doing so today.

The question is, do yo want to make money or lose money?

To find out, click here

4 Essential Tools to Create Website Traffic

1. Referral and reward system

2. Tell a friend script

3. Viral Tools

4. SEO Content

Too read the full article, click here

Home Remedies - Humour











I am new to MLM an need help

Here's a quick test. Go into any network marketing forum online and ask the above question and look at the reaction . .
It's like magic!
First off it's going to be the most popular thread in the forum for
about a week or so, and second it's going to be filled with network
marketers jumping to your rescue telling
you why their company is SO much better than the next guy's!
And you know what?
It really doesn't matter!
Until those in the industry understand that it's not about companies,
 it's about delivering unique value via YOU!  People buy you, not
the company, not the product. Until people understand that one simple
concept the high failure rate and turnover will continue.

If you ever get taught to handle the objection of "Why should I join
your business and not a,b or c?" by explaining how great the compensation plan
and products are, do yourself a HUGE favor and do NOT do it! YOu are selling!
First of all, it's wrong! It's exactly what the other 20  people
are trying to tell your prospect!  That potential new team member is
confused out of his / her mind and more than likely sick of the B.S.
And it's not really what they are looking for.
Let me explain a little more about network marketing...
The industry is great. It allows average everyday people like you
and me to achieve extraordinary things and grow into the people that
deserve it, but when we start we're not extraordinary yet.
So we take a leap of faith.
We join a business and we say "Just tell me what to do to make money
and I'll do it!"  The other famous saying: I do not know what to do!

This seems like a smart move (taking a leap of faith) and in some
cases it is, but that rarely happens because most of the time the person we are
trusting as our upline is as uneducated and clueless as we are.
They also just hope to find that big star who can get 1000's of leads signed up in a month.
Most of the time when we are waiting for instructions others are
taking action by finding the info, learning it and implementing it.
In the old J.O.B. mentality most of us are used to being spoon fed with instructions.

It's time to get a dose of reality and put on your entrepreneur hat.
Yes systems are good, knowing what to do is awesome and when you
find the right person to work with you, you can get amazing direction,
but this is not a job.  You have to take responsibility to keep
learning and growing regardless if you have an amazing sponsor, system, etc.
That's right your success is in your hands. And if you treat this
like a job or hobby you will get the same kind of pay.
The danger is . . .
We try to build the company up into something irresistible that our
 prospects can't help but to join and in the process diminish
ourselves into obscurity.

Very dangerous because this leaves the prospect choosing between
companies, something we have no control over when in fact, we should
 be branding ourselves and letting them know what we can offer them
(if you get to know that person, it will be easy to find out if you
can help them to achieve their desires).

When they choose YOU, you can win a lot more than when they are
choosing between corporations. You are building loyalty.
Think back . . . Why did you join your company? Was it because of
the company OR the person in the company that was going to show you
how to use the company as a vehicle to your life's dreams?
Most of us choose a company for the second reason whether we
consciously know it or not and it's why we should choose a company
 in the end anyway.
A network marketing company is only as strong as its leaders and a
leader is only as strong as his or her leaders.
And what a real leader does is they take the choice of choosing the
company that a prospect joins away from the technical aspects of the
 company and instead have their prospects decide whether or not to
choose to work with them.
Brand youself, offer your services and watch your business grow.
People choose people.
As an industry we MUST get away from diminishing ourselves and
building up our company and start to do the exact opposite.
What happens if you build your company instead of yourself and your
company vanishes over night, then what?
Don't wait for others in the industry to change. Start the change
 in you... RIGHT NOW!
If you want to learn how to brand yourself, reply to this post and let me know.

What is the the correct way to do eMail Marketing

How do you communicate correctly per email on the internet with a group of people?

There is something that upsets me quite a lot and that is when I open my inbox in the morning and my computer starts downloading all the new messages. I then receive my daily quota of jokes and nonsense everybody passes on faithfully as part of their  daily workload when they have nothing else to do or do not want to work. Some of those jokes have been circulating on the internet for years. Amongst these all  the fantastic offers of free cellphones or Ipads, epads and don't know what...all sorts of electronic gadgets, pads and even money you will receive if you pass "this" message on to at least 10, 15 or 20 people. What happens is that most people just click on the forward button and all the email addresses of the previous recipients are still attached to this specific email and they all get passed on to the new group of people in your address book. My email address is also in that email and although I do not pass it on 9 other people will forward that email to whoever they know all over the world. That results in my email address becoming available to a lot of people I do not know and as a result I start receiving new email on a daily basis with the biggest lot of nonsense which I am not interested in. There are people who start these chain email with the specific purpose of harvesting email addresses which can be sold on the internet.  They are put on specific lists and sold again and again and again. Somebody is making money from email addresses of people who in the first place did not agree to receive information about specific offers and did not request the information that is sent to them on a continuous basis.

If you want to pass on a good joke or some info to a few of your friends or even if your are selling something, use the "Bcc" function. This will prevent the receiver of the email to see all the other addresses and it will look as if that specific email was sent only to them. 

As soon as you are getting seriously into email marketing of any type of product or service and you are sending emails to a group of people or different groups on a regular basis you must seriously consider using an autoresponder. a Lot of people still do not know what an autoresponder is and how you can effectively use it to take over the marketing / selling side of your product. 

An autoresponder is probably one of the most important tools if not the most important tools that you can use in internet marketing.

What can you do with it? Let me give you an example.

Let's say you have joined a specific MLM or nework marketing business and you have received a link with your "own website" which you start advertising on different free advertising sites. That is not wrong's a lot of hard work to keep all those ads up to date. 

Now somebody  comes along and they click on your ad and read it.  They were actually looking for something else when they clicked on your ad and decide that they are not really interested right now and they close it and move on. What happens is that you have lost a possible client for the future and you start advertising all over again. 

When you have a autoresponder you create a capture page. What is a capture page?  That is very a short webpage message with very powerful information (1 or 2 sentences) and a space where that possible client can leave his or her name and email address and they sign up to your autoresponder.   

Now you have that guys or girl's name and email address and you are starting to build a marketing list. They are free to leave your autoresponder at anytime but now you have an opportunity to market responsibly to them. You can load your autoresponder with 200 or more pre-written email messages which will be sent of to everybody that signs up to your responder. You can even have different groups in your autoresponder and program it so that different groups get different sets of pre-written e-mail letters at specific intervals which you also decide beforehand. Let's say you are in the USA and somebody in China or Russia or South Africa signs up to your autoresponder this little tool will start sending out these letters to these people, even while you are sleeping. You can even switch your computer off as this autoresponder is web-based and the internet never sleeps.

You can never be accused of SPAM as the people who sign up do so out of their own free will and agree to receive the information you send then. They can also sign out of the autoresponder at any time and that is why you must treat them like gold. Do not send them a lot of nonsense 10 times a day. A powerful emai with information which can help them will be much more appreciated.

Do you understand why you must not not market your product directly on the internet but rather get the people to sign up to your autoresponder. 

There are a lot more that you can do with your list. When you have a big list of 1 000 or more people you can start selling ads on your list. That is just one of the things you can do or you can send out a weekly / monthly  newsletter.  THe most important thing to do is to build a relationship with the people on the list and when they get to know and trust you they will but from you of join your business.

Which is the best autoresponder to use? There a lot of different ones available in the market from free to very expensive.  

I use Traffic Wave because they have fixed amount you pay every month regardless of how many groups you have in your autoresponder or how many people in every group.  

The other reason why I use Traffic Wave is that they they also have a very good payplan as well. So I use them to market my other products and programs but people sign-up from my link and I earn an income from them as well. You can do the same. So, even before I have started selling I already earn an income.  If you want to know how much you can earn, click on MAKE MONEY WITH TRAFFIC WAVE.

If you want to know how it will cost compared to other autoresponders, CLICK HERE to understand why I chose Traffic Wave as the best. 

Tips to Why you must Brand Yourself

Branding yourself or your business entails more than simply having a specified logo, familiar name, and an image.

Your individual experience with your own product or service is what branding yourself is all about. Your general perception of that product or service that you build over a period of time is your brand. There are four strategic tips you must utilize when you are building your brand.

The first of the strategic tips is for you to have possession of the most important thing. You don't need to try to please everyone and be all of the things to each person you come in contact with. You want to develop a single clear message and focus the bulk of your time on that message.

The next thing you want to do is make sure you are portraying consistency. Consistency is key in everything you do.

If you have a presentation that is always consistent, your customers will always recognize you and attach importance to you. You must maintain consistency when using taglines, ad copy, any visual rudiments, and logos. Your tone should also always be consistent. Highly recognized companies that have not changed much in the past few decades are portraying consistency. If you use direct mail, marketing brochures, websites, blogs, etc; you need to make sure they have identical messages and feel.

Making sure you have a pertinent message is the next strategic tip to keep in mind when building your brand.

You must know your audience. Identify with them to come to understand what it is that they care about and learn how to verbalize to that audience. If you are selling something you need to be certain that it is something that they need. Any conversation with your audience should be about them and not you.

The last of the strategic tips is to employ a compelling offer that will motivate. Remember, you need and want for your audience to bear you in mind at all times. You want those members of that audience to buy whatever you have to sell them.

You need to nudge them to action. If you have a compelling offer, that will give them a reason to buy. Be sure to make the offer something that is simple and suitable for your particular brand.

Each time there is any contact with your specific brand from a potential customer, that individual will have either a negative or positive experience. Their perception of your brand will be determined by those experiences. When it comes time for them to purchase, those same experiences will be recollected in their mind. When the time arises for that potential customer to make a purchase, how is it that you want your brand remembered? So get started right now on building a positive perception and do everything in your means to uphold it.

*****1.Develop a Single Clear Message
*****2.Portray Consistency
*****3.a Pertinent Message - Know your audience - all about your client / Not about yourself
*****4.Employ a compelling offer that will motivate them to take action - give them a reason to join yor opportunity

If you want to find out more about starting a business online, CLICK HERE and get my Business Plan, 100% FREE of charge to you.

Do not complain about your income if you are doing nothing to change it. Do something today and click above.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Werk van die huis af

Het jy ook al die druk gevoel van uitgawes wat al hoe meer raak en jou inkomste / salaris bly net nie by nie. 

Wat kan jy doen?

Daar is 'n paar goed wat jy kan doen soos bv:

  • Stel 'n begroting op en hou daarby
  • Verminder jou skuld
  • Skaal af op luukse uitgawes
As jy al hierdie gedoen het en jou begroting klop nog steeds nie is dit tyd dat jy begin kyk na 'n addisionele tweede inkomste wat jy deeltyds kan doen van die huis af.

Het jy al die moontlikheid van netwerk bemarking ondersoek? Ek weet baie mense is negatief ingestel teenoor netwerk bemarking omdat hulle nog steeds dink dit is onwettige piramide skemas. Ek het nuus vir jou. In die VSA is dit 'n multi-miljoen dollar bedryf wat al menigte geleenthede geskep het vir gewone mense om miljoeners te word. Ek sĂȘ nie dat jy oornag 'n miljoener gaan word nie maar as jy bereid is om 'n uur of twee per dag opsy te sit kan jy vir jou 'n goeie addisionele inomste opbou.

As jy 'n rekenaar met internet toegang het kan jy hierdie produk bemark. Die eenmalige koste daaraan verbonde is R300.00.

Kliek op hierdie skakel en gaan kyk na my webtuiste.

Monday, January 20, 2014

How to build a list and get paid for it

You have probably heard this succeed in Internet Marketing you need to build a list. Now, you may wonder why must I build a list and what is a list.  a List is a group of people who are interested in what you have to say and they become your possible prospects.

You see, you could already be involved in some sort of internet marketing..selling a product or a  program on the internet to make some extra money. You could be placing ads on a daily basis. what happens if somebody looks at one of your ads. Well, you have about 5 to 10 seconds to capture that persons attention...and if they move away from your ad you have lost that possible prospect / client forever.

List buidling
If you have that person on a list you can market to them again in the future by giving them valuable information which will help them in their efforts. In this way you are building a relationship with that person and they will start to trust you when they realise that you are not only out to get their money but want to help them as well.

How can you build a list and get paid for it? There are several autoresponders available on the market. I have been using Send Steed for a few years now with no and I am very happy with them.  Besides the many features available they have a built in referral program whereby you get paid for everybody you introduce and who upgrades. Even with your first two introductions you get back your full monthly subscription fee ... so in fact you autoresponder is free and from your third introduction you start earning. Take a look at the excellent payplan here and see how easy it is to get paid from your autoresponder. This is earning good money before you have started marketing your main program yet. Where do you want to get better than that.

You can earn a full time passive income by buidling your list to whom you can market any product at any time in the long as you treat them with respect and help them to als make that not why we are all in this buisness?